How to Make DIY Anklets 10 DIY Tutorials

This bracelet fromNBeadsuses pearls and a ribbon bow for some whimsical girliness, but includes a handful of silver chains for contrast as well. Leather always makes for a classic but edgy accessory style. We’re particularly big fans of it when it’s put together in a wrap style, circling your wrist two or three times. Whether the bracelet has fine, delicate chains or is made mostly from a set of big, chunky links, we’re completely into it!

It should not be too thin, like the leather used to line clothing. One of the easiest bracelets to make is a beaded bracelet. You can use any type of beads you like, and string them together in any pattern you want. If you’re feeling creative, you can even add charms or other decorations to your bracelet.

Crotchet Triforce Bracelet

Check out here another dashing design of handmade bracelet that has been done using the red bead and white see beads! Another idea is to create a wrap bracelet by wrapping colorful yarn or embroidery floss around your wrist several times. Some projects are super complicated, while others are simpler. Others are plain cool and this one fits right into this category. Find out how you can make yourself a bracelet by wrapping a wire around a wooden bangle from our tutorial. With just a bit of ribbon and some shiny pearl-like beads, you can create a beautiful bracelet for yourself or for someone close.

how to make chain bracelets at home

They are, however, better suited to necklaces than bracelets. For the beginner chain mail enthusiast, this is an ideal project for producing an elegant bracelet. The project level is easy and it uses the most basic pattern, European 4 in 1. After making your first chain mail bracelet, you'll gain the confidence to make more advanced chain mail objects. Some types of beads work better with certain types of string.

How To Make Confetti Bracelets:

Thread the buttons together by going up through the right hole and then down through the left. Take the next button and thread the string down through the right hole and up through the left. The next button should be laced as the first. Then attach them together until you have a long enough bracelet to fit your wrist. These are listed in the "Things You'll Need" section below.

how to make chain bracelets at home

Loop the center ring behind the bottom two rings of the top chainlet. Lay the chainlet on a flat surface as shown. The center ring should go behind the top two rings and in front of the bottom two rings.

Awesome DIY Infinity Beaded Bracelet:

You may find bead-makers with beautiful work, perfect for your next project. You can also find local artisans though nearby art shops or on the internet. Buying from artists such as these will help support your local economy, as well as supporting local arts and crafting culture. In order to make your bracelet you will need supplies.

how to make chain bracelets at home

Making your own bracelets is a great way to add a personal touch to your accessories. You can choose your favorite colors and materials, and you can be as creative as you like. Best of all, DIY bracelets are easy to make and relatively inexpensive. Here are some cute bracelet ideas that you can easily recreate at home. Men tend to prefer simple looks using masculine materials.

Recognizing the value of the do-it-yourself movement of the last several years, is inspired by unique yet replicable ideas. Maybe it’s time you go buy the materials you need and get started. We just love how simple it is to create such beautiful bracelets that will go just fine with your everyday style. We do hope you liked them too and we’re curious to know which ones you liked best, so drop us a note and tell us all about it.

Use materials like leather and metal, and wooden or glass beads as opposed to colorful plastics. If, however, you know that the man in your life would prefer something different, go with what you know they would like. Elastic strings can also be used if you do not want your bracelet to have a clasp. This will be used to string the beads together.

I am using 2 colours in this tutorial, but you can make your bracelet from just one colour or as many colours as you like. We love the contrast between the delicate ribbons and the chrome chains in this design, especially where the ribbon ends are tied in a bow. This example byPumps and Ironincludes three chains, but you could include more or less in yours if you wanted.

You will also need a length of fishing line or elastic thread, doubled up to add strength. At last, add on the Brass End Piece with another Jumpring, and this is the end of this chain bracelet tutorial. WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 30 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. I recommend making it out of 5/16th of an inch aluminum jump rings, which can be bought online or made yourself at home.

If you object to the use of animal products, faux leather can be easily purchased to create the same look. Try braiding three strands of ribbon together for something a little more sophisticated. Firstly, fold the 10cm chain part, and then attach the Brass Lobster Claw Clasp to the center position. % of people told us that this article helped them. Attach the clasps to the center rings at the ends.

Try a French sennit or various Celtic knotting techniques. Weave until you have reached the desired length. You may also want to get very small beads to put in between the larger ones. These act as spacers and can create a slightly different look, as well as making your bracelet more flexible.

You can also gauge length by measuring other bracelets you have. Be sure to leave an extra at the ends, to attach the clasp if you wish to have one or to tie the elastic strings if you do not. Hang charms from the chain with jump rings.

how to make chain bracelets at home

Happy Hour Projects made this easy, two-tone memory wire bracelet that we couldn’t help but feature on this “cool” list of bracelets to make at home. Here’s a fun project to try your hand at, especially with the bead accents. Find all the details about these bitty beads over at Fave Crafts. This pom-pom bracelet was inspired by a store-bought piece as well. Thanks, I Made It has all the details on how to make this gorgeous look.


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